What Are Your Unwanted Conditions?
What Are Your Unwanted Conditions?
In this episode I am going to talk about the Unwanted Conditions many people have.
You may think of a‘condition’ as an illness, but many people carry emotional, spiritual and
psychological injuries or illnesses that hold them back.
Maybe you struggle with money, but you don’t know why. What is the unwanted condition that’s getting in your way? Do you fear it? do you feel you don’t deserve it? What is the issue that gets in your way?
Or do you self-sabotage in life, or relationships? What are the hidden causes of the behaviours that get in your way?
Let’s take a look.
Work With Me
If you want to make a
positive change in your life, do some self-discovery, and realign your life, I
invite you to explore my website, https://healwithkimile.com/ where
we can embark on a journey together to uncover your true self, overcome
challenges, and live a life aligned with your passions and purpose.
Links and resources:
My book is available on